Started this morning like I should start any other: Dunkin’ coffee and some Donut Bar donuts.

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Continue reading “Las Vegas Spring 2019: Day 1”MidLife Crisis… Now with More Seg Faults!
Started this morning like I should start any other: Dunkin’ coffee and some Donut Bar donuts.
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Continue reading “Las Vegas Spring 2019: Day 1”Everyone knows I’m a fan of Vegas since Sly and I started the ‘Annual Zaal Vegas Christmas Vactation’. I like vacating in a place that is pretty inexpensive, where I can relax and do things I enjoy (movies, shows, food, gambling) with my loving wife of 32 years (inside joke) and get the hell out of Calgary for a few days. Read on to hear my justifications….
Continue reading “Vegas Suffers From Its Own Greed — The American Spectator”