Apparently the feds are handing some cash to us. ARIS may be partial beneficiary to said cash. Woot!
I Like These
Now I’m making these at home. Do I have a problem? No, I have a new skill. The glass is half full… of bourbon.
Beware: Changing Money Overseas
City Of Calgary
Kevin Smith is my Spirit Animal
Nexus 5: Bootloop? No! Sticky Power Switch!
Sly’s Nexus went into a boot loop this afternoon while we were at Burrito Village. I’ve got her on the stock OTA image so no booting to a recovery image for us, which would have been so easy to fix.
No instead, I did some quick Googling and discovered that, over time, the power button the Nexus 5 is prone to getting ‘sticky’ to the point that the power will continue to cycle so it looks like a problem with the kernel but it’s not. It’s strictly mechanical.
More after the jump….. Continue reading “Nexus 5: Bootloop? No! Sticky Power Switch!”