How Gamers Killed Ultima Online’s Virtual Ecology  – YouTube

I’ve been playing MMO’s since Everquest (EQ) but I never got into Ultima Online (UO). It had a huge following and lasted a very long time.

This video talks to Richard Garriot about how they anticipated their players interacting with the world and how they had to create sharding or instancing in order to keep the ecology working on each shard.

Apparently, humans enter an ecology and kill everything they possibly can, regardless of if there are rewards or resources that can be gained. Who would have thought it?

Short, interesting watch for those of us into MMOs.

New Blackjack Strategy Trainer – Now Mobile Friendly!

I’ve posted about BlackJack Basic Strategy before but I wanted to share a tool that really helps those that are interested learn basic strategy. This link goes direct to a mobile friendly web app that can help you learn BS because it has a strategy trainer built right in. It will correct mistakes and allow you to learn by doing.

Give it a try!

This is an updated mobile friendly version of our blackjack trainer. It’s a free game that teaches basic strategy and warns if you make any mistakes

Source: New Blackjack Strategy Trainer – Now Mobile Friendly!

Fifth Annual Vegas Vacation

Starting now!

No plans this time around. Sly has gotten comfortable with just sort of winging it, which is my normal MO. We’re going to eat some food, watch a few movies and do a bunch of shopping.

We’re both pretty beat and this break couldn’t have come any sooner. I’ve been complaining about how it seems that the usual Fall slowdown didn’t occur this year and it’s just been go go go.

We’re here for a week then back home for a week before starting this trip all over again.

But that’s a different story.