Sly and I have finally gotten off our asses and booked our vacation for the summer. We’ll be doing a week in The World and a week on a Disney cruise; specifically the Disney Fantasy.
We had a hard time determining the duration of our summer vacations or more specifically how long we were going to take. After spending last X-MAS in Vegas, we were trying to find something to get us back to our Disney roots.
I’ve never been on a cruise before. Closest I’ve come is a couple of ferry rides between Italy, Greece and the Greek Islands. Not really the same when you consider we were sleeping on deck in some of the most uncomfortable chairs known to Man. In fact, both Sly and I have really never expressed much of an interest in taking a cruise. However, Disney gets tossed into the mix and suddenly it’s on the top of our to-do list.
I always have a hard time blowing $750 CDN on flights only to spend a week at our destination hence my insistence on spending a week at the Walt Disney World resort as well. This will be so much fun! I’m really looking forward to it.
We haven’t been back to Disney since our Xmas trip of 2012.

That really was an eye opener about how costly some of these trips can be. It was enough to keep us from going back again during the high season for a couple of years but now we’re returning in middle of summer. Should be interesting with a combination of the heat and the crowds. Assuming you don’t hear about a Canadian suffering heat stroke and a loss of patience to all the little animals crawling around the parks losing his mind and making something explode, we’ll be having a grand time allowing Disney to take care of us.

Walt and Mickey will be happy to see us again; I’m sure of it. 🙂