Only a few people in my immediate circle know this but I think it’s about time it got some attention: Sly has lost almost 44 pounds over the past few months simply by changing a few behaviors and spending time working out.
That’s it.
No amazing diet, no need to purchase meals from some “club”. Just honest to goodness willpower and a consistency in decision making.
Probably more important, she’s been so quiet about it. It’s not something that she has been advertising and she might be a little bit mad at me for posting this here.
I probably don’t do enough to recognize the amazing lady my wife has become. Hopefully she’ll get a chance to read this and understand that she’s been able to illustrate a real strength and she should be proud, as I am, that she’s done this. A real strength that, if I attempted similar activities, might not be nearly as resilient.
Congrats, babe. You really have earned it.